Sunday, October 24, 2010

Brown Paper-bag Popcorn

I really wanted some popcorn today. But we don't have a popcorn popper. I got online and found that you could cook popcorn in a brown paper bag in the microwave. I tried it. I burned the first one, of course. But then I made some really great popcorn. I was so happy, I made like 4 bags of it and made it into caramel corn.

All you need is:
1 brown paper-bag
1/4 cup of popcorn kernels

Cook it for about 2 minutes (It started burning around 2 1/2 minutes :)
Then you can dress it however you want. How healthy is that! Of course, caramel isn't healthy :)

One bad thing (But it happens with any popcorn cooking): There were a lot of uncooked kernels in my caramel corn, so I decided that next time-I would make a little hole in the bottom of the paper bag and, sort of, strain them out before dressing them :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Inspiration

Wow, I am making my own curriculum. This is amazing. Heavenly Father is guiding me to resources and teaching me ideas that I need in order to Home school, I am in awe. I will blog more about it when I feel ready. But I feel like it isn't ready to be posted about yet. I am so excited.

I feel like Heavenly Father teaches me a new way to do something or think about something in education, and then I read it on a Montessori or Classical Education page or book. I learn it before I read it, and then the information I read pads the information I already know. This is so amazing.

Eric used to go through this experience with physics, he would learn something from Heavenly Father and then expand that learning in school. I feel like Heavenly Father is teaching and training me. I am so thankful for this beautiful guidance. I hope I can live up to such beautiful and amazing knowledge and that I can implement these things in our lives and home school. I am so grateful.